Realizing maximum performance from high bit-rate and RF circuits requires close attention to IC technology, circuit-to-circuit interconnections (i.e., the interconnect ) and circuit design. Circuit and Interconnet Design for RF and High Bit-rate Applications covers each of these topics from theory to practice, with sufficient detail to help you produce circuits that are first-time right . A thorough analysis of the interplay between on-chip circuits and interconnects is presented, including practical examples in high bit-rate and RF applications. Optimum interconnect geometries for...
Realizing maximum performance from high bit-rate and RF circuits requires close attention to IC technology, circuit-to-circuit interconnections (i.e.,...
Realizing maximum performance from high bit-rate and RF circuits requires close attention to IC technology, circuit-to-circuit interconnections (i.e., the interconnect ) and circuit design. Circuit and Interconnet Design for RF and High Bit-rate Applications covers each of these topics from theory to practice, with sufficient detail to help you produce circuits that are first-time right . A thorough analysis of the interplay between on-chip circuits and interconnects is presented, including practical examples in high bit-rate and RF applications. Optimum interconnect geometries for...
Realizing maximum performance from high bit-rate and RF circuits requires close attention to IC technology, circuit-to-circuit interconnections (i.e.,...