The advent of very large scale integrated circuit technology has enabled the construction of very complex and large interconnection networks. By most accounts, the next generation of supercomputers will achieve its gains by increasing the number of processing elements, rather than by using faster processors. The most difficult technical problem in constructing a supercom puter will be the design of the interconnection network through which the processors communicate. Selecting an appropriate and adequate topological structure of interconnection networks will become a critical issue, on which...
The advent of very large scale integrated circuit technology has enabled the construction of very complex and large interconnection networks. By most ...
In the spectrum of mathematics, graph theory which studies a mathe- matical structure on a set of elements with a binary relation, as a recognized discipline, is a relative newcomer. In recent three decades the exciting and rapidly growing area of the subject abounds with new mathematical devel- opments and significant applications to real-world problems. More and more colleges and universities have made it a required course for the senior or the beginning postgraduate students who are majoring in mathematics, computer science, electronics, scientific management and others. This book provides...
In the spectrum of mathematics, graph theory which studies a mathe- matical structure on a set of elements with a binary relation, as a recognized dis...