The newest annual volume of "Osiris," "Intelligentsia Science" explores the transformations in science in the history of Russia and the Soviet Union, from serfdom to Sputnik, as a series of developments in Russian culture. The contributors argue that it was the generation of the 1860s that transformed intelligentsia into a central notion of Russian popular discourse, cementing its association with revolutionary politics and with science. Science became the cornerstone of the intelligentsia s ideological and political projects, either as an alternative to socialism, or more often as its...
The newest annual volume of "Osiris," "Intelligentsia Science" explores the transformations in science in the history of Russia and the Soviet Union, ...
Recognized as a standard reference work for water experts, this successful handbook now is available in a revised 9th edition. Retaining its character as a handbook and reference book for practitioners, the book provides a broad overview of aspects of hydrogeology, chemistry, biology and microbiology.
Recognized as a standard reference work for water experts, this successful handbook now is available in a revised 9th edition. Retaining its character...
Der Sammelband prasentiert Beitrage zu den Themen: Stiftung messbaren Nutzens im Geschaftsprozess durch Wissensmanagement; Barrieren gegen Wissensmanagement und adaquate Gegenmassnahmen; Wissenstransfer und wissensgeleitete Prozessverbesserung; Fuhrungsaufgabe Wissenslogistik."
Der Sammelband prasentiert Beitrage zu den Themen: Stiftung messbaren Nutzens im Geschaftsprozess durch Wissensmanagement; Barrieren gegen Wissensmana...