An officer, a gentleman... and a sodomite. The first two earn him honor and respect, the third may cost him his life. David Archer realizes how hopeless his attraction to his fellow midshipman is from the moment a newly-arrived William Marshall challenges a sexually abusive shipmate to a duel-and shoots him dead.
To Marshall, the Navy is his one chance to move beyond his humble beginnings. While others spend shore leave carousing, he curls up with a navigation text. When they and their...
The Royal Navy meets the Stately English Manor Murder Mystery, and if it were only a matter of Colonel Mustard in the library, things would be so much easier.
After an ambush by the French while on a routine surveillance mission, Will Marshall and David Archer are advised to retreat to the English countryside to avoid Bonaparte's animosity for a time. Upon their arrival, they discover that David's eldest brother has died after a mysterious accident and this puts his other, very...
Sail away once again with Will Marshall and Davy Archer in this collection of missing moments from their saga. Meet some of the background players from their story as they take center stage in tales of their own. Enjoy a journey through the family album of the Royal Navy Series universe in the following stories:
Captain s Courtship is the tale of Cynthia Lancaster and newly promoted Commander Paul Smith as they face revolution in both the Lancaster household and the colonies, unwilling to let anything...
"3rd Edition "
"Sequel to Home is the Sailor"
"Royal Navy Series: Book Four "
Sail away once again with Will Marshall and Davy Archer in t...
John Hanson joined the military because he wanted to serve his country. Lacking a home and family of his own, the idealistic young man longed to be a part of something bigger than himself. He didn t expect to find love in officer s training so when an assignment took him away from Kevin Kendrick, the love of his life, he sacrificed personal happiness and did his duty.
Kevin has made his own sacrifices. Career came first, and the impressionable Army brat, tired of living in his father s shadow,...
"3rd Edition "
"A Souls Reunited Story "
"A companion to the Royal Navy Series "
John Hanson joined the military because he wanted to serv...
1796. Un officier, un gentleman et un sodomite. Si les deux premiers titres inspirent honneur et respect, le troisieme pourrait couter la vie a David Archer. Il realise sans espoir son attirance pour le nouvel aspirant, William Marshall, lorsque ce dernier defie en duel le predateur sexuel du bord et le tue.
Marshall considere la Royal Navy comme sa seule chance d echapper a ses modestes origines. Pendant que d autres passent leurs jours de conge a ripailler, il etudie avec acharnement.
1799. Enleves par un renegat, les deux amis et leur capitaine...
"Serie Royal Navy, tome 1 "
1796. Un officier, un gentleman et un sodomite. Si les deux premiers titres inspirent honneur et respect, le troisie...