Culturism is the opposite of multiculturalism. Rather than stress our diversity, culturism asks that we stress our unity. To do so we must protect and promote our traditional majority western culture. Outside of the West, all nations have always had culturist policies. China, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico are current practitioners of culturism.
Unlike multiculturalists, culturists take cultural diversity seriously. If we were to take culture seriously we would: avoid wars designed to make Islamic nations progressive, have rational border laws, understand that racial profiling is really...
Culturism is the opposite of multiculturalism. Rather than stress our diversity, culturism asks that we stress our unity. To do so we must protect and...
This apocalyptic culturist manifesto will keep you reeling. Join this pulp fiction cast in a ride to destruction in a world where all social limits have been removed.
In Prison Wars inmates fight to the death in a sport of their own creation. While for losers this means death, victors become criminal stars and live their version of the American Dream.
Launched by a venture capitalist, this event quickly becomes a movement Men for Manliness. Democracy and rights lead to male prerogatives and drugs. Watch the people rise up against the oppressive politically correct state-mandated...
This apocalyptic culturist manifesto will keep you reeling. Join this pulp fiction cast in a ride to destruction in a world where all social limits ha...
Frances Alice Kellor (1873 - 1952) provides an excellent LGBT role model. Provocatively, the author argues that Kellor created modern America. Kellor's amazing accomplishments include:
Founding the National Urban League
Using Basketball to make women masculine
Measuring Female African - American Prisoners for their freedom
Getting Suffrage on National Party Platforms for the first and second times
Running the Americanization Movement that greeted immigrants from 1906-1921
Leading Two Presidential Campaigns before she could...
Frances Alice Kellor (1873 - 1952) provides an excellent LGBT role model. Provocatively, the author argues that Kellor created modern Amer...
Join John and Adam as they wander the mean streets of Japan on a psychedelic fueled search for identity. While fun for the average reader, this book could also serve as a philosphy textbook because of its ordered exploration of sources of identity. Ultimately this trip through nationalist attacks, sex, and drugs, will take you to a better understanding of yourself and your place in our world.
Join John and Adam as they wander the mean streets of Japan on a psychedelic fueled search for identity. While fun for the average reader, this book c...