Set in an Irish farming community in the 1950s, "The Mysterious Golden Horse" is a journey through time to an eccentric world where the local residents are watched over by a majestic horse with supernatural powers.
Appearing on a village road, the mystical horse chooses to reveal itself to various local people at critical times in their lives. Some people are confused and puzzled by the animal's abilities, while others are relieved of pain and sorrow. Families struggling with life's difficulties are given important messages that lead to positive change. Always proving to be a benevolent...
Set in an Irish farming community in the 1950s, "The Mysterious Golden Horse" is a journey through time to an eccentric world where the local resident...
Set in an Irish farming community in the 1950s, "The MysteriousGolden Horse" is a journey through time to an eccentric world wherethe local residents are watched over by a majestic horse withsupernatural powers.
Appearing on a village road, the mystical horse chooses to revealitself to various local people at critical times in their lives. Somepeople are confused and puzzled by the animal's abilities, whileothers are relieved of pain and sorrow. Families struggling with life'sdifficulties are given important messages that lead to positivechange. Always proving to be a benevolent and...
Set in an Irish farming community in the 1950s, "The MysteriousGolden Horse" is a journey through time to an eccentric world wherethe local residen...