Henderson weighs world religion against biblical Christianity, proving to the reader the advantage Christianity has over the religions of the world. (Christian)
Henderson weighs world religion against biblical Christianity, proving to the reader the advantage Christianity has over the religions of the world. (...
This book deals with a much neglected portion of God's Word which looks at the vitally important themes of headship and the glory of God. The author includes thorough research dealing with the objections to head coverings. (Christian)
This book deals with a much neglected portion of God's Word which looks at the vitally important themes of headship and the glory of God. The author i...
When will a Christian man find the most joy and satisfaction in life? When he lives out that which he was created for - this is God's authentic man. If married, he will pursue biblical companionship with his wife, shepherd his children, and satisfy his family's needs. Married or not, the fruit-laden bough represents a spiritually-minded man who serves others through wise leadership, humble service, and a selfless example. The Fruitful Bough is divided into four major sections. The first section, The Marital Union, supplies the biblical foundation for the remainder of the book: Why was...
When will a Christian man find the most joy and satisfaction in life? When he lives out that which he was created for - this is God's authentic man. I...
The Study Guide provides sixteen lessons formatted with questions and exercises for each of the sixteen chapters of The Fruitful Bough. Weekly Bible studies are preferred; it is my recommendation to read one chapter of The Fruitful Bough and complete the associated lesson each week.
The Study Guide provides sixteen lessons formatted with questions and exercises for each of the sixteen chapters of The Fruitful Bough. Weekly Bible s...
The Teacher's Guide is the sixteen-lesson Study Guide for The Fruitful Bough, but with answers provided for each question. There is plenty of empty space after each answer for the study leader to personally respond to each question and exercise, and he is encouraged to do so.
The Teacher's Guide is the sixteen-lesson Study Guide for The Fruitful Bough, but with answers provided for each question. There is plenty of empty sp...
Are you consistently having close encounters with the Lord? Do you hear His still, quiet voice as you mediate on His Word and petition Him in prayer? If not, it is time to take action - it is time to respond to His invitation. God desires your presence and is inviting you to have contact and communion with Him. The extent to which we respond to this invitation and have contact with God's nature will ultimately determine our wherewithal to know God, to express His nature to others, and to adhere to His calling for our lives. - Warren Henderson
Are you consistently having close encounters with the Lord? Do you hear His still, quiet voice as you mediate on His Word and petition Him in prayer? ...
This resource addresses frequently asked questions about the supernatural realm, God's existence, and the accuracy of the Bible, and is a valuable resource for a dialogue about faith. (Christian)
This resource addresses frequently asked questions about the supernatural realm, God's existence, and the accuracy of the Bible, and is a valuable res...
Have you wondered: "What happens when someone dies?" "Is there a spiritual realm of bliss and peace in the afterlife?" "Is there a place that wicked people will be judged?" "What will I be like after death?" "Will I recognize loved ones after I die?" please read on - life is too brief not to have such questions answered. We need not fear death, if we have properly prepared for eternity now. When it comes to the subject of afterlife, eternity is too long to be wrong. It is my earnest belief that Biblical Christianity best answers afterlife questions. The fact is that most of us will be dead a...
Have you wondered: "What happens when someone dies?" "Is there a spiritual realm of bliss and peace in the afterlife?" "Is there a place that wicked p...
"The flesh" describes the natural man. God has no program to change the flesh. Rather He brings in something new: "and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6). A new struggle is brought to our attention. It is no longer the new nature or the believer striving for mastery over sin in the body; it is the Holy Spirit striving against the old nature. The little boy coming home from school was beaten up by a big bully. He was on the bottom, and the big bully was pounding him very heavily. Then he looked up from his defeated position on the bottom, and saw his big brother coming. The...
"The flesh" describes the natural man. God has no program to change the flesh. Rather He brings in something new: "and that which is born of the Spiri...
Like the Olympic torchbearers, Christians are also called to pass a torch from generation to generation. The light of biblical Christianity shines in the world today because faithful believers through the ages dedicated themselves to the accurate transfer of doctrine to new Christians and then equipped them to live out this truth. This is our legacy, our calling in Christ, and the best inheritance we can leave our children. There is no greater privilege or honor in life than to be a torchbearer for Christ.
Like the Olympic torchbearers, Christians are also called to pass a torch from generation to generation. The light of biblical Christianity shines in ...