The Tongue: An Evil Master.A Good Servant -wholly inspired by a family's misery brought on by the tumor called gossip and later observations at a church considered 'Pentecostal-based'. The author focused on the source of the cancer and the antidote, found in the Word of God. It is the author's hope that everyone who reads this book will discern the real enemy of mankind and seek to silence him in their own lives instead of allowing him to use them to cause dissension in the life of their fellow man.
The Tongue: An Evil Master.A Good Servant -wholly inspired by a family's misery brought on by the tumor called gossip and later observations at a chur...
There is nothing quite as exciting as the long summer holidays. It is time for adventures and six-year-old Jonathan knows this too well. There is a carnival in his hometown and he won't miss it for anything. Jonathan's mother takes him to the carnival where he meets some very important people and can't resist the invitation to venture high in the sky above the carnival grounds with Operator Jim. Neither can he miss the opportunity to leave a building by way of an emergency window. Join in the fun with Jonathan as he explores and takes on new adventures.
There is nothing quite as exciting as the long summer holidays. It is time for adventures and six-year-old Jonathan knows this too well. There is a ca...
Spring is a wonderful time to be outside. A four-year-old boy playing outside in late spring soon discovers one of the beauties of springtime. As beautiful birds flock to his yard he observes that the birds have beaks of different size and shapes. As his excitement grows he starts to name the size and shapes he recognizes.
Spring is a wonderful time to be outside. A four-year-old boy playing outside in late spring soon discovers one of the beauties of springtime. As beau...
The Yellow Hummer is the story of a 4-year-old boy who lives in a multi-generational family headed by a single mother. He is given a Christmas gift of a yellow toy hummer. It is a toy that he is very excited about but before he has a chance to play with his new toy something terrible happens to the toy and that leaves him very sad. The story of how this little boy deals with his emotion makes for good reading. This book is a good soft tool that can be used to open the window for children to see that they are not alone in facing disappointments-other children go through this too.
The Yellow Hummer is the story of a 4-year-old boy who lives in a multi-generational family headed by a single mother. He is given a Christmas gift of...