Set in the farmlands of mid-America in the late nineteenth century, "Fallow's Field" tells the story of a man whose work is his only solace as he buries his emotions amidst the growing blades of golden wheat.
After the tragic deaths of his father and uncle, Ned Fallow grows into a silent young man, shut off from emotional ties and struggling to earn a living on a wheat farm in Midland, Kansas. He becomes obsessed with growing the perfect crop in the fertile Kansas soil and pays little attention to the world around him; yet the beautiful, intelligent schoolteacher, Lily Thomason, and the...
Set in the farmlands of mid-America in the late nineteenth century, "Fallow's Field" tells the story of a man whose work is his only solace as he b...
Set in the farmlands of mid-America in the late nineteenthcentury, "Fallow's Field" tells the story of a man whose workis his only solace as he buries his emotions amidst thegrowing blades of golden wheat.
After the tragic deaths of his father and uncle, Ned Fallow growsinto a silent young man, shut off from emotional ties andstruggling to earn a living on a wheat farm in Midland, Kansas.He becomes obsessed with growing the perfect crop in the fertileKansas soil and pays little attention to the world around him; yetthe beautiful, intelligent schoolteacher, Lily Thomason, and theuntimely...
Set in the farmlands of mid-America in the late nineteenthcentury, "Fallow's Field" tells the story of a man whose workis his only solace as he bur...
After the death of a wife who never loved him and son who meant everything, Bill Ennis travels to Wisconsin in pursuit of a vague yet stirring memory of his long dead father somewhere near the Dells. He forms ties with a small community of people while falling in love with the beautiful Trudy Pas'cal and bonding with her son. The arrival of Trudy's rogue ex-lover and father of her only child shatters this new beginning. The ensuing turmoil and tragedy leads to a poignant and profound discovery from the past that determines a new course in Bill's life journey.
After the death of a wife who never loved him and son who meant everything, Bill Ennis travels to Wisconsin in pursuit of a vague yet stirring memory ...
It's Bethesda Maryland back in the day: Black chucks and saddle shoes, Hot Shoppes, McDonald's Raw Bar, Ayrlawn Rec Center. Told through the elusive lens of time, A Boy From Bethesda follows the life of Johnny O'Brien. A natural leader and gifted athlete, ten-year old Johnny's life is forever altered by a sudden tragedy and an ensuing discovery that haunts him for the remainder of his life. Interweaving camaraderie and romance and a yearning for the past, A Boy From Bethesda will appeal to a wide audience of men and women and young and old.
It's Bethesda Maryland back in the day: Black chucks and saddle shoes, Hot Shoppes, McDonald's Raw Bar, Ayrlawn Rec Center. Told through the elusive l...
Following a terminal diagnosis, a synchronistic chain of events leads Peter Richards to strike out for a remote village high in the Andes in search of a shaman and a miracle.
With a unique cast of characters from Peter's guide, Aldo Coreas, a man torn between the modern world and his ancestral past; to Havo, the old mountain shepherd with a ken beyond the here and now; to Pavor, the wily and ruthless shaman of The Cloud People, McKay combines a superb narrative with an unforgettable story that coalesces with a discovery from the distant past that determines a new and dangerous course in...
Following a terminal diagnosis, a synchronistic chain of events leads Peter Richards to strike out for a remote village high in the Andes in search...