Biocatalysis in Oil Refining focuses on petroleum refining bioprocesses, establishing a connection between science and technology. The micro organisms and biomolecules examined for biocatalytic purposes for oil refining processes are thoroughly detailed. Terminology used by biologists, chemists and engineers is brought into a common language, aiding the understanding of complex biological-chemical-engineering issues. Problems to be addressed by the future R&D activities and by new technologies are described and summarized in the last chapter. * Updated references * Studying...
Biocatalysis in Oil Refining focuses on petroleum refining bioprocesses, establishing a connection between science and technology. The micro...
This book, The Science and Technology of Unconventional Oils: Finding Refining Opportunities, intends to report the collective physical and chemical knowledge of unconventional oils (heavy, extra-heavy, sour/acid, and shale oil) and the issues associated with their refining for the production of transportation fuels. It will focus on the discussion of the scientific results and technology activities of the refining of unconventional oils. The presence of reactive and refractory compounds and components that negatively impact refining processing (the "bad actors") are discussed and...
This book, The Science and Technology of Unconventional Oils: Finding Refining Opportunities, intends to report the collective physical and ...