Traditionally, signalprocessingtechniqueslayatthefoundationofmultimedia data processing and analysis. In the past few years, a new wave of advanced signal-processing techniques has delivered exciting results, increasing systems capabilities of e?ciently exchanging image data and extracting useful kno- edge from them. Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing is an edited volume, written by well-recognized international - searchers with extended chapter style versions of the best papers presented at the SITIS 2006 International Conference. This book presents the...
Traditionally, signalprocessingtechniqueslayatthefoundationofmultimedia data processing and analysis. In the past few years, a new wave of advanced si...
L''objectif de ce livre est de dA(c)velopper une technique nouvelle de classification d''images qui soit mieux adaptA(c)e au traitement d''images complexes de grandes tailles, notamment les images satellitaires radar, par rapport aux mA(c)thodes antA(c)rieures. GrA ce A la combinaison de la technique de rA(c)duction substantielle du temps de calcul et de l''occupation mA(c)moire de l''ordinateur, cette mA(c)thode permet dA(c)sormais de traiter beaucoup plus rapidement des images complexes de tA(c)lA(c)dA(c)tection. La technique dA(c)veloppA(c)e part des mA(c)thodes usuelles de classification...
L''objectif de ce livre est de dA(c)velopper une technique nouvelle de classification d''images qui soit mieux adaptA(c)e au traitement d''images comp...
Traditionally, signalprocessingtechniqueslayatthefoundationofmultimedia data processing and analysis. In the past few years, a new wave of advanced signal-processing techniques has delivered exciting results, increasing systems capabilities of e?ciently exchanging image data and extracting useful kno- edge from them. Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing is an edited volume, written by well-recognized international - searchers with extended chapter style versions of the best papers presented at the SITIS 2006 International Conference. This book presents the...
Traditionally, signalprocessingtechniqueslayatthefoundationofmultimedia data processing and analysis. In the past few years, a new wave of advanced si...