The end of Genesis provides the exegetical key to understanding everything before it. Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were impenitent and passed over for the Messianic blessing. Th is explains why their sins were recorded and helps clarify the rest the Genesis accounts: Genesis details why the Messianic line continued through certain people and why others were rejected from it. Th us, the message of Genesis is who the Messiah came through and why He came through those people. Those few accounts that do not specifically discus this focus on some other aspect of God developing a covenant relationship...
The end of Genesis provides the exegetical key to understanding everything before it. Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were impenitent and passed over for the...
The Bible has much to say about the Lord's Supper. Almost every component of this memorial is rich with meaning-meaning supplied by Old Testament foreshadowing and New Testament teaching. The Lord's death itself is meaningful and significant in ways we rarely point out. Beneath the Cross explores the depths of symbolism and meaning to be found in the last hours of the Lord's life and offers a helpful look at the memorial feast that commemorates it. Join us in: Approaching the Lord's Table. Essays on the nature and background of the Lord's Supper. Seeing Jesus Through the Bible. Essays tracing...
The Bible has much to say about the Lord's Supper. Almost every component of this memorial is rich with meaning-meaning supplied by Old Testament fore...