"As I Remember: A 1940s Childhood" is a delightful vignette of a home front during and just after World War II. Gordon Chism has captured the texture of American pride and optimism of this time through the eyes of a young boy growing up in Reno, Nevada. The war had united all in a common cause with a sense of duty and a love of country. The triumph over evil created a righteous sense of entitlement -- an idealistic American self-portrait. From the anxiety brought on by the depression through the surging prosperity of the late 1940s, this autobiographical narrative reflects the feelings of...
"As I Remember: A 1940s Childhood" is a delightful vignette of a home front during and just after World War II. Gordon Chism has captured the texture ...
2009 IPPY Bronze Award Winner (Science) Finalist 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards (Social Change) "The Thinking Person's UFO Book" seeks to understand the pervasive denial surrounding unidentified flying objects. The team of Gordon Chism and Richard M. Dolan melds philosophical theory and historical scholarship to present an easy-to-read, entertaining, and informative work. Chism shares his personal UFO sighting and his struggle with peer group dismissal. His experience caused him to wonder why people so often reject new ideas and new perspectives of reality. The book weaves his...
2009 IPPY Bronze Award Winner (Science) Finalist 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards (Social Change) "The Thinking Person's UFO Book" seeks to unde...