"Dr. Baum's report should provide helpful insights both for designers of national policy and for those who wish to bring about change at the community level," Rev. Theodore M Hedburgh, Chairman, The U.S. Commmission on Civil Rights, President, Notre Dame University.
"Dr. Baum's accounting of a successful method of achieving that most elusive goal-a free choice housing market-is overwhelming in its simplicity, you want to ask yourself, 'Why didn't we do this long ago?' We didn't, and we haven't, but Professor Baum shows us that we can." C. Les Creum, Jr., Director, Indiana Civil Rights...
"Dr. Baum's report should provide helpful insights both for designers of national policy and for those who wish to bring about change at the community...
""The Silent Partners" is in the tradition of such landmark volumes as Adolf A. Berle Jr.'s "Power Without Property" and Joseph A. Livingston's "The American Stockholder." It helps set in focus the public policy issues, as well as the economic and legal questions arising from a predominant fact in present-day business life-the shift in ownership of America's corporations from individuals to institutions. This fact is no less significant than the decline of family ownership . and the rise of the publicly owned corporation." Albert J. Kraus, "The New York Times"
""The Silent Partners" is in the tradition of such landmark volumes as Adolf A. Berle Jr.'s "Power Without Property" and Joseph A. Livingston's "The A...
There is in the world today a quest for self-identification and an attack against the global corporation, globalization. The rationality of the attack is probed. This is done by focusing on the oldest and most powerful of the global corporations-the banks. Canada and Canadian banks with a focus on their role in the commonwealth Caribbean were chosen because it is like looking into a mirror within a mirror: Canada is a medium power. It is a capitalist nation. It has a history of economic nationalism. Yet, many of its major enterprises-save banking, are controlled by foreign businesses. At the...
There is in the world today a quest for self-identification and an attack against the global corporation, globalization. The rationality of the attack...
Government welfare benefits touch millions-from individuals to corporations, large and small. Here, Dr. Baum explores one aspect of government welfare, both Federal and state, aid to families with dependent children. The history of that program is set out. Some of the major issues continue to be raised.
Government welfare benefits touch millions-from individuals to corporations, large and small. Here, Dr. Baum explores one aspect of government welfare...
When you buy something, do you bargain about the terms of sale? Is the only consumer choice to buy or not to buy? If sellers tend to treat all consumers alike, then is it possible that government can do a better job of protecting the consumer than consumers themselves can do?
Today, consumer law consists of the common law and government regulation, both of which have changed with the passing years-and will continue to change as new consumer problems arise. Yet, there are certain values underlying consumer rights and responsibilities reflected in law. If we can identify these values, we...
When you buy something, do you bargain about the terms of sale? Is the only consumer choice to buy or not to buy? If sellers tend to treat all consume...
We are a nation of law. We have decided as an essential part of our society that we will be governed by law. What this means is the subject of this book. It is not written to make lawyers out of lay people. Rather, it is written to help make us all better, more informed citizens. Stop for a moment and imagine that when you wake up tomorrow all laws have been eliminated and all courts abolished. Think about traffic jams and accidents-if there were no traffic lights. Think about crime and punishment. How would rules be set and enforced?
We are a nation of law. We have decided as an essential part of our society that we will be governed by law. What this means is the subject of this bo...
The law places a high value on marriage and the family. That value is carried forward in defining marriage; setting conditions for the state to interfere with marriage; fixing the responsibilities of marriage and family; and detailing when a family may break up and setting ongoing responsibilities when that happens. But, there are limits to the law. For example, the religion of Luisa and Sam may require that they be married by a minister. It may also require that each make certain promises, one to the other. Whether Luisa and Sam do so, however, is a matter of conscience. The law will neither...
The law places a high value on marriage and the family. That value is carried forward in defining marriage; setting conditions for the state to interf...
What remedy, if any should the law provide to a person who has suffered "wrongful" harm at the hands of another? Should the lay do nothing and leave things as they are? Should the burden of helping injured persons bear their financial losses be placed on their families? Should we place the responsibility for helping on the government? As an alternative to these possibilities, we might say that in some cases people who cause harm should be required to compensate for the losses by paying money to the persons they have harmed. The law of torts is made of a series of rules that tell us when a...
What remedy, if any should the law provide to a person who has suffered "wrongful" harm at the hands of another? Should the lay do nothing and leave t...
To understand criminal law three balls must be juggled at the same time. This book will help you accomplish that feat: (1) You will learn something about criminal law itself, such as the elements of crime, the purposes of the criminal law, and the reasons for punishment. (2) You will understand the procedures developed for investigating crimes and arresting and convicting the wrongdoers. (3) You will learn about the system to administer criminal laws-a system that extends far beyond a single agency of government. This book will not make you an expert of criminal lay and procedure. But, it...
To understand criminal law three balls must be juggled at the same time. This book will help you accomplish that feat: (1) You will learn something ab...
Real cases from the Supreme Court dealing with youth issues.
Laws, as they relate to youth and youth issues, can be difficult to understand for those they are intended to serve. In the first book of the Understanding Canadian Law series, author Daniel J. Baum breaks down the Supreme Court of Canada s decisions relating to youth in plain language intended for readers of all ages.
Drawing on examples from recent Supreme Court rulings, Youth and the Law walks the reader through such controversial subjects as spanking, bullying, youth violence, and police...
Real cases from the Supreme Court dealing with youth issues.
Laws, as they relate to youth and youth issues, can be difficult to under...