"Arundel" tells the epic story of Duncan, a young prince who embarks on a heroic journey to reclaim the throne and avenge his father, who was slain by the warrior-sorcerer, Draskene.
Luckily, the prince has the help of a loyal knight, a beautiful siren, a winged warrior, and two overgrown cats with special powers. But to defeat Draskene-who can summon demons and otherworldly creatures at will-he must find the lost Dwarves. They alone can help him find the missing sword of legend, the Brach'dir.
To locate the Dwarves, however, Duncan and his companions must battle demons, armies of...
"Arundel" tells the epic story of Duncan, a young prince who embarks on a heroic journey to reclaim the throne and avenge his father, who was slain by...