Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world where real faith-based magic exists. Our hero is Damiano Dalstrego. He is a wizard's son, an alchemist, and the heir to dark magics. But he is also an innocent, a young scholar and musician befriended by the Archangel Raphael, who instructs him in the lute. To save his beloved city from war, Damiano leaves his cloistered life and sets out on a pilgrimage, seeking the aid of the powerful sorceress Saara as he walks the narrow path between light and shadow, accompanied only by his...
Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world where real faith-based magic exists. Our ...
This novel is a sequel to Damiano. Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world where real faith-based magic exists. Our hero is Damiano Dalstrego. He is a wizard's son, an alchemist and the heir to dark magics. Shattered by the demonic fury of his dark powers, Damiano Delstrego has forsaken his magical heritage to live as a mortal man. Accompanied only by the guidance of the Archnagel Raphael, the chidings of a brash young rogue, and the memory of a beautiful pagan witch, Damiano journeys across a plague-ridden French...
This novel is a sequel to Damiano. Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world...
The haunting conclusion of a magnificent fantasy trilogy, which began with Damiano and continued with Damiano's Lute.
Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world where real faith-based magic exists. Weakened by his contact with mortals, the Archangel Raphael falls prey to his brother Lucifer, who strips him of his angelic powers. Sold in the Moorish slave markets, confused and humbled by his sudden humanity, Raphael finds his only solace in the friendship of the dark-skinned Berber woman Djoura and the...
The haunting conclusion of a magnificent fantasy trilogy, which began with Damiano and continued with Damiano's Lute.
"No fantasy writer working today has a defter touch with Irish magic" (Morgan Llywelyn, author of Lion of Ireland).
Set against the colorful and magical backdrop of Ireland, The Grey Horse chronicles a time when the Irish people suffered under harsh English overlords who sought to destroy their culture and way of life. In the Irish town of Carraroe, a magnificent, completely gray stallion appears. The horse brings with him the promise of better times and magical happenings, for he is actually the shape-shifted form of Ruairi MacEibhir, journeyed to such...
"No fantasy writer working today has a defter touch with Irish magic" (Morgan Llywelyn, author of Lion of Ireland).
Book two of the award-winning Lens of the World trilogy, this volume finds the dwarf-like Nazhuret as a modest and fastidious lens grinder. Although he could have chosen an exalted and wealthy life as a noble member of the court, he wishes to live in humble and undisturbed poverty with his lady Arlin. But the ordinary life that Nazhuret wants is abruptly shattered when a vicious attack by paid assassins forces him to run. With possible enemies on all sides, the only place to go is the neighboring kingdom of Rezhmia, where Nazhuret has an ancient blood-tie. However, he finds that...
Book two of the award-winning Lens of the World trilogy, this volume finds the dwarf-like Nazhuret as a modest and fastidious lens grinder. Alt...
A New York Times Notable Book: The incredible tale of a tenacious orphan and his journey to discover his identity.
This is the story of Nazhuret, an outcast, the dwarfish offspring of unknown parents. Yet his story is a great one, filled with surprising rewards and amazing adventures. By the hands of Powl, mentor, madman, and lens grinder, Nazhuret is put to extreme mental and physical tests and is blessed with knowledge. He embarks upon a journey to his destiny through war, darkness, and death. He is determined to emerge beyond the tiny status he was given at birth.
A New York Times Notable Book: The incredible tale of a tenacious orphan and his journey to discover his identity.
In 1980s San Francisco, a mother searches for her missing daughter in this Nebula Award-nominated tale that is part fantasy, part mystery, and part love story.
Offering "a deft blend of the oldest of magicks in a dragon, and the newest of sorceries in computers" (Anne McCaffrey), this is the incomparable novel that garnered Nebula, Hugo, World Fantasy, and Philip K. Dick Award nominations, and earned its author the John W. Campbell Best New Writer award--the "astonishing fantasy debut" of R. A. MacAvoy (Locus).
Martha Macnamara knows that her daughter,...
In 1980s San Francisco, a mother searches for her missing daughter in this Nebula Award-nominated tale that is part fantasy, part mystery, and part...
Discover original and provocative science fiction from an author famed for her fantasy writings.
When the warrior Wanbli came of age, he cast his lot among the stars and left the world where he'd been born. Left it, he thought, forever. His odyssey led him to one ship, then another, and to another still. It brought him face to face with the far-flung members of the universe's Seven Sentient peoples. And, finally, it brought him to the colony ship Commitment. There, Wanbli learned the true purpose of his life--a mission so vital that it required risking the lives of everyone on the...
Discover original and provocative science fiction from an author famed for her fantasy writings.
R. A. MacAvoy is a truly gifted author who has no need to rely on the conventions of the science fiction genre in order to hold the reader's attention. Her highly original debut novel, Tea With the Black Dragon, combined elements of mystery and fantasy along with a fascination with computer technology, and was highly praised by critics, while her Lens of the World trilogy appeared on many "best of the year" lists in the national news media. In this sequel to Tea With the Black Dragon, Mayland Long is once again thrust into a maelstrom of mysterious happenings. The...
R. A. MacAvoy is a truly gifted author who has no need to rely on the conventions of the science fiction genre in order to hold the reader's attention...