During the last few decades, human dynamics, institutional change, political relations, and the natural environment have become successively more intertwined. While the increased global economic integration, global forms of governance, globally inter-linked social and environmental developments are often referred to as globalisation, there is no unanimously-agreed upon definition of the term. Depending on the researcher or commentator, it can mean, among other things, the growing integration of markets and nation-states, receding geographical constraints on social and cultural...
During the last few decades, human dynamics, institutional change, political relations, and the natural environment have become successively more i...
During the last few decades, human dynamics, institutional change, political relations, and the natural environment have become successively more intertwined. While the increased global economic integration, global forms of governance, globally inter-linked social and environmental developments are often referred to as globalisation, there is no unanimously-agreed upon definition of the term. Depending on the researcher or commentator, it can mean, among other things, the growing integration of markets and nation-states, receding geographical constraints on social and cultural...
During the last few decades, human dynamics, institutional change, political relations, and the natural environment have become successively more i...
Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Am liebsten hatten Okonomen und Politiker ein Ma zur Verfugung, das samtliche Auswirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf den privaten Sektor aufzeigt. Da ein solches aber nicht existiert, wird versucht, zumindest Teilaspekte der Fiskalpolitik zu beleuchten. Hierbei konnen vier wesentliche Grundfragen der Fiskalpolitik unterschieden werden. Eine davon, namlich welche Generation, unterschieden nach Geschlecht und Geburtsjahrgangen, fur den Staatskonsum bezahlen muss, kann durch Generationenkonten beantwortet werden. Die drei anderen, wieviel der Staat im Zeitablauf...
Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Am liebsten hatten Okonomen und Politiker ein Ma zur Verfugung, das samtliche Auswirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf den pr...