Conflicts today regularly break out along religious fault lines, whether in Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or elsewhere. This volume contains case studies of ways in which Mennonites have contributed to peacebuilding and reconciliation in multi-religious contexts and offers a theological rationale for interfaith collaboration. (Christian)
Conflicts today regularly break out along religious fault lines, whether in Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or elsewhere. This volume contains case stu...
Description: The work of John Howard Yoder has become increasingly influential in recent years. Moreover, it is gaining influence in some surprising places. No longer restricted to the world of theological ethicists and Mennonites, Yoder has been discovered as a refreshing voice by scholars working in many other fields. For thirty-five years, Yoder was known primarily as an articulate defender of Christian pacifism against a theological ethics guild dominated by the Troeltschian assumptions reflected in the work of Walter Rauschenbusch and Reinhold and Richard Niebuhr. But in the last decade,...
Description: The work of John Howard Yoder has become increasingly influential in recent years. Moreover, it is gaining influence in some surprising p...
In recent decades, theologians and philosophers of religion have engaged in a vigorous debate concerning the status and nature of ecclesiology. Throughout this debate, they have found resources for their arguments in concepts of political philosophy, particularly communitarianism and political liberalism. In this groundbreaking study, Peter Dula turns instead to the work of philosopher Stanley Cavell, examining the ways in which Cavell's understanding of companionship contributes to the debate over church and community.
Since the 1960s, Stanley Cavell has been the most category-defying...
In recent decades, theologians and philosophers of religion have engaged in a vigorous debate concerning the status and nature of ecclesiology. Throug...