Independent Filmmaking and Digital Convergence: Transmedia and Beyond offersa comprehensive analysis of the technological changes of the past few decades in independent film and media-making, and explores new strategies and practices in media production, exhibition and distribution for independent producers and content creators. The book examines how independent filmmaking concepts have merged with digital and online technologies to create new hybrid multi-platform content creations. It explores key questions like how to reach an audience at a time when media conglomerates...
Independent Filmmaking and Digital Convergence: Transmedia and Beyond offersa comprehensive analysis of the technological changes ...
Independent Filmmaking and Digital Convergence: Transmedia and Beyond offersa comprehensive analysis of the technological changes of the past few decades in independent film and media-making, and explores new strategies and practices in media production, exhibition and distribution for independent producers and content creators. The book examines how independent filmmaking concepts have merged with digital and online technologies to create new hybrid multi-platform content creations. It explores key questions like how to reach an audience at a time when media conglomerates...
Independent Filmmaking and Digital Convergence: Transmedia and Beyond offersa comprehensive analysis of the technological changes ...