Conceived in the 1960s, Walt Disney's original plans for his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) outlined a utopian laboratory for domestic technology, where families would live, work, and play in an integrated environment. Like many of his contemporaries, Disney imagined homes that would attend to their inhabitants' every need, and he regarded the home as a site of unending technological progress. This fixation on "space-age" technology, with its promise of domestic bliss, marked an important mid-twentieth-century shift in understandings of the American home. In "A Small...
Conceived in the 1960s, Walt Disney's original plans for his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) outlined a utopian laboratory for do...
Conceived in the 1960s, Walt Disney's original plans for his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) outlined a utopian laboratory for domestic technology, where families would live, work, and play in an integrated environment. Like many of his contemporaries, Disney imagined homes that would attend to their inhabitants' every need, and he regarded the home as a site of unending technological progress. This fixation on "space-age" technology, with its promise of domestic bliss, marked an important mid-twentieth-century shift in understandings of the American home. In "A Small...
Conceived in the 1960s, Walt Disney's original plans for his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) outlined a utopian laboratory for do...