The only diploma program biology resource developed with the IB to accurately match the new 2014 syllabus for both SL and HL. This revised edition gives you unparallelled support for the new concept-based approach to learning: the Nature of science. Understanding, applications and skills are integrated in every topic, alongside TOK links and real-world connections to drive inquiry and independent learning. Assessment support directly from the IB, includes practice questions...
The only diploma program biology resource developed with the IB to accurately match the ne...
El unico material de Biologia del Programa del Diploma del IB ideado conjuntamente con el IB que cubre todos los contenidos del nuevo programa de estudios de la asignatura de 2014, tanto para el Nivel Superior (NS) como para el Nivel Medio (NM), esta edicion brinda un recurso inigualable para apoyar el nuevo enfoque del aprendizaje basado en conceptos denominado Naturaleza de la ciencia. En cada tema se integran elementos de comprension, aplicaciones y habilidades junto con vinculos a la Teoria del Conocimiento y conexiones a cuestiones de la vida real que impulsan la indagacion y el...
El unico material de Biologia del Programa del Diploma del IB ideado conjuntamente con el IB que cubre todos los contenidos del nuevo programa de estu...
Drive achievement in the MYP and strengthen scientific confidence. Equipping learners with the confident scientific understanding central to progression through the MYP Sciences, this text is fully matched to the Next Chapter curriculum. The inquiry-based structure immerses learners in a concept-based approach, strengthening performance. Develop comprehensive scientific knowledge underpinned by rich conceptual awareness, equipping learners with the confidence to handle new ideas Fully integrate a concept-based approach with an...
Drive achievement in the MYP and strengthen scientific confidence. Equipping learners with the confident scientific understanding cen...
Drive achievement in the MYP and strengthen scientific confidence. Equipping learners with the confident scientific understanding central to progression through the MYP Sciences, this text is fully matched to the Next Chapter curriculum. The inquiry-based structure immerses learners in a concept-based approach, strengthening performance.
Drive achievement in the MYP and strengthen scientific confidence. Equipping learners with the confident scientific understanding central to progressi...