The KK-theory of Kasparov is now approximately twelve years old; its power, utility and importance have been amply demonstrated. Nonethe less, it remains a forbiddingly difficult topic with which to work and learn. There are many reasons for this. For one thing, KK-theory spans several traditionally disparate mathematical regimes. For another, the literature is scattered and difficult to penetrate. Many of the major papers require the reader to supply the details of the arguments based on only a rough outline of proofs. Finally, the subject itself has come to consist of a number of difficult...
The KK-theory of Kasparov is now approximately twelve years old; its power, utility and importance have been amply demonstrated. Nonethe less, it rema...
Six thousand active participants were assembled in Berlin during the XIth World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Their contribu tions covered the entire field of our discipline: matemo-fetal medicine, gynecologic oncology and surgery, reproductive medicine, and endocri nology. Emphasis was laid on the diseases of the female breast and these papers appear in a separate section of the book (B VII -X). The scientific program included 370 invited speakers for special lec tures, various main theme sessions, around 100 seminars, and 45 film and video presentations. A total of 1566 free...
Six thousand active participants were assembled in Berlin during the XIth World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Their contribu tions covered th...
Der Akute Herzinfarkt ist fur die betroffene Person ein beangstigendes Erlebnis. Oft tritt er ohne Vorwarnung ein. Jeder siebente Patient entwickelt danach eine Posttraumatische Belastungsstorung mit psychischen Symptomen wie Angstlichkeit, Depressionen, Reizbarkeit und Flashbacks. Dies ist ein weiteres Risiko fur einen erneuten Infarkt und beeintrachtigt den Heilungsverlauf. Kann Psychotraumatherapie mit Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) diesen Patienten helfen, sich schneller und nachhaltiger emotional zu stabilisieren?"
Der Akute Herzinfarkt ist fur die betroffene Person ein beangstigendes Erlebnis. Oft tritt er ohne Vorwarnung ein. Jeder siebente Patient entwickelt d...