Te idea of publishing a book came into my mind to the description of the imaging fndings of parasitic di- s (M. C. H. ) when a few years ago I submitted a manuscript eases only. Parasitic diseases are not confned only to the entitled Imaging of Parasitic Diseases of the Hepato - tropical and subtropical areas; indeed, they are increasing biliary System for publication in the major prestigious worldwide because of travel, immunosuppression, and radiology journals. Te manuscript was rejected, but an other behavioral and living defciencies, especially poor anonymous reviewer commented that the...
Te idea of publishing a book came into my mind to the description of the imaging fndings of parasitic di- s (M. C. H. ) when a few years ago I submitt...
Te idea of publishing a book came into my mind to the description of the imaging fndings of parasitic di- s (M. C. H. ) when a few years ago I submitted a manuscript eases only. Parasitic diseases are not confned only to the entitled Imaging of Parasitic Diseases of the Hepato - tropical and subtropical areas; indeed, they are increasing biliary System for publication in the major prestigious worldwide because of travel, immunosuppression, and radiology journals. Te manuscript was rejected, but an other behavioral and living defciencies, especially poor anonymous reviewer commented that the...
Te idea of publishing a book came into my mind to the description of the imaging fndings of parasitic di- s (M. C. H. ) when a few years ago I submitt...