Has no writer ever dealt with the dramatic aspect of the unopened envelope? I cannot recall such a passage in any of my authors, and yet to my mind there is much matter for philosophy in what is always the expressionless shell of a boundless possibility. Your friend may run after you in the street, and you know at a glance whether his news is to be good, bad, or indifferent; but in his handwriting on the breakfast-table there is never a hint as to the nature of his communication. Whether he has sustained a loss or an addition to his family, whether he wants you to dine with him at the club or...
Has no writer ever dealt with the dramatic aspect of the unopened envelope? I cannot recall such a passage in any of my authors, and yet to my mind th...
I am still uncertain which surprised me more, the telegram calling my attention to the advertisement, or the advertise-ment itself. The telegram is before me as I write. It would appear to have been handed in at Vere Street at eight o'clock in the morning of May 11, 1897, and received before half-past at Holloway B.O. And in that drab region it duly found me, unwashen but at work before the day grew hot and my attic insupportable. "See Mr. Maturin's advertisement Daily Mail might suit you earnestly beg try will speak if necessary-" I transcribe the thing as I see it before me, all in one...
I am still uncertain which surprised me more, the telegram calling my attention to the advertisement, or the advertise-ment itself. The telegram is be...
Has no writer ever dealt with the dramatic aspect of the unopened envelope? I cannot recall such a passage in any of my authors, and yet to my mind there is much matter for philosophy in what is always the expressionless shell of a boundless possibility.
Has no writer ever dealt with the dramatic aspect of the unopened envelope? I cannot recall such a passage in any of my authors, and yet to my mind th...
I am still uncertain which surprised me more, the telegram calling my attention to the advertisement, or the advertise-ment itself. The telegram is before me as I write. It would appear to have been handed in at Vere Street at eight o'clock in the morning
I am still uncertain which surprised me more, the telegram calling my attention to the advertisement, or the advertise-ment itself. The telegram is be...
It was half-past twelve when I returned to the Albany as a last desperate resort. The scene of my disaster was much as I had left it. The baccarat-counters still strewed the table, with the empty glasses and the loaded ash-trays. A window had been opened
It was half-past twelve when I returned to the Albany as a last desperate resort. The scene of my disaster was much as I had left it. The baccarat-cou...