"Boo hoo poor you! Poor little Frankie was lied to. So I didn't read the perfect parenting guide for spies on the run. Get over it.. Against a back drop of Lies, deceit and Government authorised Murder one man stood up to let the world know what was being done. Davey Falco was on the run for nearly 20 years, until his son was hired to 'bring him in'. In this gripping account, Falco tells the world the secrets behind the War in Iraq, how he rebuilds a relationship with his son and earns his freedom. Falco gives a clear insight to the way the world is seen and understood by the men and women...
"Boo hoo poor you! Poor little Frankie was lied to. So I didn't read the perfect parenting guide for spies on the run. Get over it.. Against a back dr...