Highly automated production and logistics facilities require mechatronic drive solutions. This book describes in which way the industrial production and logistics work and shows the structure of the drive solutions required for this purpose. The functionality of the mechanical and electronic elements of a drive system is described, and their basic dimensioning principles are explained. The authors also outline the engineering, reliability, and important aspects of the life cycle.
Highly automated production and logistics facilities require mechatronic drive solutions. This book describes in which way the industrial productio...
Antriebslosungen" richtet sich an alle, die wissen wollen, wie geregelte Antriebe in hoch automatisierten Fabriken und in Logistiksystemen funktionieren. Diese Antriebe ermoglichen es, dass Produkte sehr effizient in hohen Mengen hergestellt und zum Endverbraucher gebracht werden. Die Autoren behandeln ausschliesslich die elektromechanische Energieumsetzung durch geregelte Elektromotoren das Antriebssystem und seine Komponenten. Das Zusammenspiel von Software, Elektronik und Mechanik wird anhand ausgewahlter Antriebslosungen anschaulich verdeutlicht. Das Kapitel Engineering erlautert den...
Antriebslosungen" richtet sich an alle, die wissen wollen, wie geregelte Antriebe in hoch automatisierten Fabriken und in Logistiksystemen funktio...
Highly automated production and logistics facilities require mechatronic drive solutions. This book describes in which way the industrial production and logistics work and shows the structure of the drive solutions required for this purpose.
The functionality of the mechanical and electronic elements of a drive system including the software is described, and their basic dimensioning principles are explained. Furthermore the authors outline the engineering, reliability, and important aspects of the life cycle.
The great number of applications within the fields of conveying and...
Highly automated production and logistics facilities require mechatronic drive solutions. This book describes in which way the industrial productio...