"A Regeneration of the Pre-Christian Spiritual Worldviews and Religious Practices of the Holy Isles."
This book is very different from anything Robin Artisson has written so far, for a very special reason: it is written in the tone of a father to his children. This book is a gift for his children, full of things he would want them to know and things he would want to tell them, to help them through their lives. The book is closer, more intimate, and warmer than most of his work.
But it includes massive amounts of material regarding native British Isles (Britain and Ireland) traditional...
"A Regeneration of the Pre-Christian Spiritual Worldviews and Religious Practices of the Holy Isles."
Issue 3 contains the following articles: The World through Eyes of Fire by Robin Artisson Blood Rites by Peter Paddon Harvest Home by R.J. Thompson Herbal Lore by Radomir Ristic If Only by Mick Wragg In Praise of the Lord's journey by R.J. Thompson Ritual Healing in Balkan Craft by Radomir Ristic In Search of Gwyddbwyll by Peter Paddon The Mother Night's Spiral by R.J. Thompson Urban Witchcraft by Radomir Ristic Encountering Ancestors At Home and Away by Peter Paddon Spirits of the Hollow Hill by Eric De Vries Lady Fate by Kristine K. ...
Issue 3 contains the following articles: The World through Eyes of Fire by Robin Artisson Blood Rites by Peter Paddon Harvest Home by R.J...
"The Resurrection of the Meadow" is described by the author as "A Record of Thirteen Occult Formulas & Charms of Art with Purport & A Sealing Conjuration & their many useful Sorcerous Permutations, Writ & Gathered on Walpurgis Night 2010, For those Inquisitive Adepts who walk The despised path of True Sorcery, The long-dimmed radiance of the Ancient Gold of the Wise." Found within this full, self-contained working grimoire is a system of sorcery relying on the ancient spiritual aesthetic of the Faery-Faith and the Metaphysics of Elfhame- interaction with the Unseen world through the...
"The Resurrection of the Meadow" is described by the author as "A Record of Thirteen Occult Formulas & Charms of Art with Purport & A Sealing Conju...
Concerning "Letters from the Devil's Forest: An Anthology of Writings on Traditional Witchcraft, Spiritual Ecology, and Provenance Traditionalism," the latest published work by Robin Artisson, occultist & writer of some renown. IN THIS latest work, witch, metaphysician, and traditionalist Robin Artisson presents an in-depth and darksome interior vision of many dimensions of the old and nearly forgotten Art of true Witchcraft. "Letters from the Devil's Forest" is a lengthy anthology of Artisson's writings regarding every topic of essence and interest to the student or researcher of the...
Concerning "Letters from the Devil's Forest: An Anthology of Writings on Traditional Witchcraft, Spiritual Ecology, and Provenance Traditionalism," th...
"Hands of Fate" is the first of the "Small Tome" offerings from Black Malkin Press, each of them covering a single topic of deep spiritual or occult significance. In Hands of Fate, the topic of cartomantic divination with standard playing cards is covered. Author and professional diviner Robin Artisson offers instruction in a deeply detailed and intuitive system of playing card divination draped in the older aesthetic of Traditional Witchcraft and Fayerieism, allowing diviners to channel entire stories of divinatory insight from oracular sources. He discusses methods which will allow any...
"Hands of Fate" is the first of the "Small Tome" offerings from Black Malkin Press, each of them covering a single topic of deep spiritual or occult s...
"The Secret History" concerns the deepest matters of all: cosmology and the story of life's emergence and meaning, told from the perspective of a primordial way of seeing and comprehending nature that existed long before civilization began. Robin Artisson brings together folklore, mythology, animistic perspectives, and dark spiritual ecology to rebirth a vision of who we are, where we came from, and what might happen to us ultimately, along with spiritual insights into the devastating cost of the excesses of civilization. This book also examines the nature of the ancient Mysteries,...
"The Secret History" concerns the deepest matters of all: cosmology and the story of life's emergence and meaning, told from the perspective of a prim...
Robin Artisson Larry Phillips Elizabeth Driskell Ahmad
A Scottish witch torments the dead for the living. A deathless evil born of traffic with the Devil stalks a lonely forest for generations. A Colonial American cult persists into the modern day, its corrupted members being among the not-so-dearly departed. The Mother of Werewolves is remembered in the dreaming hills and hollows of a distant land. A man obsessed with a woman of the Otherworld rushes to his own certain doom. A warrior stalks a powerful and savage Troll that none can kill, to save his family. Revenge comes from beyond the grave when a sorcerer delivers a magic potion that can...
A Scottish witch torments the dead for the living. A deathless evil born of traffic with the Devil stalks a lonely forest for generations. A Colonial ...
Robin Artisson Jesseca Trainham Elizabeth Driskell Ahmad
What is best for human beings in this human life? What does it mean to be a friend, and how are friendships best made and maintained? What are the best things humans can treasure, and how can they most easily secure them? In a strange world full of dangers, what strategies are best for getting through safely, and how was the greatest wisdom in the world won? "The Words of Odin" is a modern rendition of the ancient book Havamal- the words of advice given to human beings from the God of Wisdom himself, long ago. Filled with the ancient wisdom-sayings, proverbs, and stories of the Old Norse...
What is best for human beings in this human life? What does it mean to be a friend, and how are friendships best made and maintained? What are the bes...