The Soul of My Son is a unique and inspirational true story about a father's emotional journey after the loss of his youngest son to suicide. This story follows a former skeptic of spirit communication from the birth and passing of his son, through discovering his own spiritual abilities, becoming a psychic medium and giving back to other parents of loss.
This true story of his emotional journey will take you from teary-eyed to spiritually-uplifted and inspired. This book has just the right balance of personal experiences and emotion, offering insightful guidance for anyone...
The Soul of My Son is a unique and inspirational true story about a father's emotional journey after the loss of his youngest son to suici...
From Grief to Awakening is the definitive "how-to" manual for understanding and healing from grief on a spiritual level, while learning to recognize signs that our loved ones are still with us. The author is a psychic medium who underwent a spiritual awakening after the passing of his youngest son to suicide. Steven Joseph has traveled an emotional journey through grief, spiritual awakening, discovering his own spiritual abilities, becoming a psychic medium and giving back to other parents of loss.
That highly emotional healing process gives Steven a unique perspective and...
From Grief to Awakening is the definitive "how-to" manual for understanding and healing from grief on a spiritual level, while learning to...