Thoroughly Describes Biological Applications, Computational Problems, and Various Algorithmic Solutions
Developed from the author s own teaching material, Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Introduction provides an in-depth introduction to the algorithmic techniques applied in bioinformatics. For each topic, the author clearly details the biological motivation and precisely defines the corresponding computational problems. He also includes detailed examples to illustrate each algorithm and end-of-chapter exercises for students to familiarize...
Thoroughly Describes Biological Applications, Computational Problems, and Various Algorithmic Solutions
Advances in sequencing technology have allowed scientists to study the human genome in greater depth and on a larger scale than ever before - as many as hundreds of millions of short reads in the course of a few days. But what are the best ways to deal with this flood of data?
Algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing is an invaluable tool for students and researchers in bioinformatics and computational biology, biologists seeking to process and manage the data generated by next-generation sequencing, and as a textbook or a self-study resource. In addition to offering an...
Advances in sequencing technology have allowed scientists to study the human genome in greater depth and on a larger scale than ever before - as ma...
The papers cover diverse areas of algorithms and computation, such as approximation algorithms, computational geometry, combinatorial algorithms, computational biology, computational complexity, data structures, graph and network algorithms, and online algorithms.
The papers cover diverse areas of algorithms and computation, such as approximation algorithms, computational geometry, combinatorial algorithms, comp...