The charming story of a small-town girl who dreams of finding love with a real-life English prince?and who's willing to go to hilarious lengths to make her fairy tale come true Most young girls dream of becoming a princess. But unlike most girls, Jerramy Fine never grew out of it. Strangely drawn to the English royal family since she was a child, Jerramy spends her childhood writing love letters to Buckingham Palace and absorbing any information she can find on modern-day princesses throughout the world. Years later, when her sense of destiny finally brings her to London, Jerramy...
The charming story of a small-town girl who dreams of finding love with a real-life English prince?and who's willing to go to hilarious lengths to ...
Do you dream of moving to England, falling in love with a handsome British nobleman, and living happily ever after in his ancestral castle? Time to stop dreaming and make that dream come true We can t all go to college with Prince William and eventually marry the future King of England, but there are other ways to turn your dream into a reality. If you follow The Regal Rules, you ll learn not only how you can move to London but how to dress like Kate Middleton, where to party with Prince Harry, and how to behave at Royal Ascot. Discover the secrets of polo and cricket, find out if...
Do you dream of moving to England, falling in love with a handsome British nobleman, and living happily ever after in his ancestral castle? Time to...