"This powerful first in a new thriller series from Swedish sisters Grebe and Traff introduces a delightfully flawed heroine...The action moves swiftly to a surprising climax" (Publishers Weekly, starred review, Pick of the Week).SOMEONE IS WATCHING SIRI BERGMAN. A thirty-four-year-old psychologist with a troubled past, Siri Bergman works in central Stockholm and lives alone in an isolated cottage outside the city. Terrified of the dark, she leaves all the lights on when she goes to bed--after having a few glasses of wine to calm her nerves--but she can't shake...
"This powerful first in a new thriller series from Swedish sisters Grebe and Traff introduces a delightfully flawed heroine...The action moves swif...
In" The Intruder" the Andersson family is being sent scary letters without a sender's name. Who could possibly want to harm them?
Gotland policeman Fredrik Broman and his colleagues take the threats seriously, but cannot rule out the possibility that it is all a tasteless joke. When the threats escalate and the couple's daughter disappears, all doubts vanish. This is for real. And it is only the beginning.
When the police pressure the husband, a complicated family history is revealed. What really made him return to the small island after his successful career as an international...
In" The Intruder" the Andersson family is being sent scary letters without a sender's name. Who could possibly want to harm them?
Kjell Eriksson has made a huge splash around the globe with his series set in his native Sweden. Now Eriksson is back with a stunning mystery packed with surprises.
Police officer Ann Lindell is great at solving crimes, but she doesn't have as much luck in her personal life. When she meets journalist Anders Brant, Ann thinks her luck has turned around. When Anders disappears without a trace and a homeless man's body is found with Anders' phone number in his pocket, she must keep quiet about her connection to her former beau while she races to find Anders and clear his...
Kjell Eriksson has made a huge splash around the globe with his series set in his native Sweden. Now Eriksson is back with a stunning mystery packe...
Kjell Eriksson has made a huge splash around the globe with his series set in Sweden. his native country. Already a star in Europe and the Nordic countries, Kjell Eriksson has American critics raving.
In Open Grave, Professor Bertram von Ohler has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. This news causes problems in his otherwise quiet upper-class neighborhood. Not everybody is happy with the choice of winner. Mysterious incidents start to occur. Boyish pranks befall the police, and what follows is certainly not innocent amusement. Police inspector Ann Lindell becomes...
Kjell Eriksson has made a huge splash around the globe with his series set in Sweden. his native country. Already a star in Europe and the Nordic c...