'Olaf's Saga' is an historical novel chronicling one Norse man's life in the late 8th century . The story is told by Jon Loftsson a direct descendent of the protagonist, some four hundred years later to his adopted son Snorri. The tale descibes Olaf's background and his upbringing in the harsh Viking world. Olaf has life changing events thrust upon him and as a result he has to make his way in 'Midgard' - the world of men. As a young Norse man, Olaf sees the first brutal death of a Saxon by one of his kind. He takes part in the early raids on Christian monasteries located at remote sites...
'Olaf's Saga' is an historical novel chronicling one Norse man's life in the late 8th century . The story is told by Jon Loftsson a direct descendent ...
'Olaf's Saga' is an historical novel chronicling one Norse man's life in the late 8th century . The story is told by Jon Loftsson a direct descendent of the protagonist, some four hundred years later to his adopted son Snorri. The tale descibes Olaf's background and his upbringing in the harsh Viking world. Olaf has life changing events thrust upon him and as a result he has to make his way in 'Midgard' - the world of men. As a young Norse man, Olaf sees the first brutal death of a Saxon by one of his kind. He takes part in the early raids on Christian monasteries located at remote sites...
'Olaf's Saga' is an historical novel chronicling one Norse man's life in the late 8th century . The story is told by Jon Loftsson a direct descendent ...