The phone rang, and a voice in Spanish said, "I'm Carlos. In excavations in Rome, they have found a new Gospel, in Latin, on clay tablets. The tablets went directly into the Vatican. However, I have a copy from a friend within the Vatican-we'd like to have it in English. He said, "I have a Spanish translation. If I post you the transcript, could you translate it?" I said I could. I'm simply an Australian journalist, who worked for United Press. Carlos said, "I only ask your word that you will not photocopy the Spanish version, and when you finish, you'll hand it back to me, together with a...
The phone rang, and a voice in Spanish said, "I'm Carlos. In excavations in Rome, they have found a new Gospel, in Latin, on clay tablets. The tablets...
God created life on countless worlds. On earth, in hominids and men, he created circuits of neurons to give us more than a hundred instincts-far more instincts than any animal.
Researching primitive life in the desert, two scientists find a huge and welcome cave. God sends them an urgent message inside the cave. In our brains, he created circuits of neurons to give us more than a hundred powerful instincts-far more than any animal. These instincts let hominids and stone-age men survive.
But for humans living in cities for over 5,000 years, for people today with technological weapons-the...
God created life on countless worlds. On earth, in hominids and men, he created circuits of neurons to give us more than a hundred instincts-far more ...
An Intelligent Designer, to create new forms of life, has to create at least 30 of them at one for them to survive. Male and female Insects, fish, birds, animals or prehistoric man at least 30 Intelligent Designer must put together in one spot, all healthy, up and running. A very dangerous world awaits them.
Atoms can't put themselves together. A tornado in a junk yard can't make an aircraft ready to take off. Someone has to do it...
An Intelligent Designer, to create new forms of life, has to create at least 30 of them at one for them to survive. Male and female Insects, fish, bir...