During World War II, Japanese Americans were forcefully placed in "relocation" camps. Despite that, these Nesei (first generation Japanese born outside of Japan) warriors explain why they were eager to defend their American homeland, and how they became the most decorated fighting unit ever assembled in U.S. military history.
During World War II, Japanese Americans were forcefully placed in "relocation" camps. Despite that, these Nesei (first generation Japanese born outsid...
The Multi-Volume "United States Military Heroes" series is the largest collection of American heroes and award citations ever published. "United States Navy Heroes - Volume III - Navy Cross World War II (A - L)" contains the citation for all Navy Cross awards to members of the U.S. Navy in World War II with last names A through L. Entries include brief biographical information on most recipients including date/place of birth, home town, date of death, and photographs of more than half of the recipients.
The Multi-Volume "United States Military Heroes" series is the largest collection of American heroes and award citations ever published. "United State...