The book enhances current economic understanding of the firm as an institution and an organization, looking beyond the narrow boundaries of neoclassical economics to an interdisciplinary approach based on accounting and law as well as economics itself. It represents the first synthesis of the authors' research work on the subject and provides the groundwork for the development of a comprehensive framework centred on the firm as an entity.
The volume starts with a synthesis and a critique of the current state of the different economic theories of the firm and further develops...
The book enhances current economic understanding of the firm as an institution and an organization, looking beyond the narrow boundaries of neoclas...
The book enhances current economic understanding of the firm as an institution and an organization, looking beyond the narrow boundaries of neoclassical economics to an interdisciplinary approach based on accounting and law as well as economics itself. It represents the first synthesis of the authors' research work on the subject and provides the groundwork for the development of a comprehensive framework centred on the firm as an entity.
The volume starts with a synthesis and a critique of the current state of the different economic theories of the firm and further develops...
The book enhances current economic understanding of the firm as an institution and an organization, looking beyond the narrow boundaries of neoclas...
This title brings together leading international scholars to examine the current state of accounting theory and its fundamental connection with the economics and finance of firms.
This title brings together leading international scholars to examine the current state of accounting theory and its fundamental connection with the ec...
L''entreprise de nos jours est confrontA(c)e A des bouleversements majeurs, telles que la globalisation et la financiarisation, qui ne cessent pas de dA(c)fier les reprA(c)sentations qui sont mobilisA(c)es pour l''apprA(c)hender, la gA(c)rer et la gouverner. La comprA(c)hension de l''entreprise et de son fonctionnement demande ainsi la combinaison de savoirs issus de la comptabilitA(c), de l''A(c)conomie, et du droit. Leur coordination s''appuie ici sur la notion d''entitA(c) ou systA]me dynamique. Toute organisation constitue alors une entitA(c), A savoir un univers socio-A(c)conomique...
L''entreprise de nos jours est confrontA(c)e A des bouleversements majeurs, telles que la globalisation et la financiarisation, qui ne cessent pas de ...
Versi scritti tra il 1984 ed il 1987. Il malessere del mondo riflesso nei conflitti interiore di un'autrice adolescente che cerca il suo spazio per trovare una nuova armonia con l'esistenza.
Versi scritti tra il 1984 ed il 1987. Il malessere del mondo riflesso nei conflitti interiore di un'autrice adolescente che cerca il suo spazio per tr...
The recent financial crisis has sparked debates surrounding the nature and role of accounting in informing capital markets and regulatory bodies about the financial performance and position of a firm. These debates have drawn attention to the broader implications of accounting for the economy and society. Accounting and Business Economics brings together leading international scholars to examine the current state of accounting theory and its fundamental connection with the economics and finance of firms, viewing the business entity from not only accounting, but also national,...
The recent financial crisis has sparked debates surrounding the nature and role of accounting in informing capital markets and regulatory bodies ab...