The reputation of corporate reporting has been in crisis. Trust in the process of financial accounting and auditing has been undermined by a series of high profile scandals involving major corporations, including Enron, Parmalat, Ahold, and Worldcom. In response, regulators and practitioners world-wide have put forward a series of initiatives to repair the damage and restore faith in corporate governance.
In this important book, the European Auditing Research Network analyzes how that response has developed in Europe, with particular emphasis on the field of auditing. Leading...
The reputation of corporate reporting has been in crisis. Trust in the process of financial accounting and auditing has been undermined by a series...
Executives in Europe have significantly expanded their role in operations - in parallel to their strategic leadership. At the same time, they need to make decisions faster than in the past. In these demanding times, a redesigned Business Intelligence (BI) should support managers in their new roles. This book summarizes current avenues of development helping managers to perform their jobs more productively by using 'BI for managers' as their central, hands-on, day-to-day source of information - even when they are mobile.
Executives in Europe have significantly expanded their role in operations - in parallel to their strategic leadership. At the same time, they need to ...
Executives in Europe have significantly expanded their role in operations - in parallel to their strategic leadership. At the same time, they need to make decisions faster than in the past. In these demanding times, a redesigned Business Intelligence (BI) should support managers in their new roles. This book summarizes current avenues of development helping managers to perform their jobs more productively by using 'BI for managers' as their central, hands-on, day-to-day source of information - even when they are mobile.
Executives in Europe have significantly expanded their role in operations - in parallel to their strategic leadership. At the same time, they need to ...
Dieses fundierte Lehrbuch fuhrt in kompakter Form in die Grundlagen der doppelten Buchfuhrung ein. Zunachst erfolgt eine klare Darstellung des Rechnungswesens und der Finanzbuchfuhrung, anschlieend werden die grundsatzlichen Buchungsarten (Bestandsbuchungen und Erfolgsbuchungen) erklart. Eine Diskussion zahlreicher ausgewahlter Buchungsprobleme rundet das thematische Spektrum ab. Viele Kontrollfragen, Ubungsaufgaben und Klausuren mit Musterlosungen vertiefen den Stoff und fordern eine gezielte Prufungsvorbereitung. Aufgrund der in der Lehre erprobten Didaktik eignet sich das Buch auch...
Dieses fundierte Lehrbuch fuhrt in kompakter Form in die Grundlagen der doppelten Buchfuhrung ein. Zunachst erfolgt eine klare Darstellung des Rech...