Celebrating Mark Twain's little-known (and long-suppressed) gender-bending feminist fiction, this play brings three of his controversial short stories to the stage The action revolves around Twain's "1002nd Arabian Night" (1883). Envisioning Scherezade and King Shahiyar the next day, Twain explores what happens when a boy is raised as a girl, and a girl is raised as a boy Scherezade also narrates two other Twain yarns - "Wapping Alice" (1898) and "How Nancy Jackson Married Kate Wilson" (1902), which deal with the taboo topic of same-sex unions. Disguised as comedies, these three one-act...
Celebrating Mark Twain's little-known (and long-suppressed) gender-bending feminist fiction, this play brings three of his controversial short stories...
The fall of 1953 has the Hanford Nuclear Project in eastern Washington State working feverishly to build enough production reactors and plutonium finishing plants to meet the expanding need of the new cold war. When bones are found on the construction site a young an archaeologist is brought in to examine their age and origin. What secrets will these buried remains reveal? Set against the majesty of the Hanford Reach and the sprawling nuclear complex it is a race to see if the bones will tell their tale before the site is destroyed for new construction. Bill Rosen returns as the Hanford...
The fall of 1953 has the Hanford Nuclear Project in eastern Washington State working feverishly to build enough production reactors and plutonium fini...