Le piu recenti acquisizioni della neuropsicologia cognitiva hanno consentito di focalizzare la natura dei processi linguistici e comunicativi, individuando i correlati fisiologici ed anatomici sottostanti alla produzione (encoding) e alla comprensione (decoding) del linguaggio. La prima sezione intende esplorare i paradigmi, i metodi e gli strumenti della neuropsicologia "per" la comunicazione. In particolare viene fornita una sintesi dei piu recenti approcci di ricerca e degli strumenti empirici applicati allo studio del processo comunicativo, tra i quali la rilevazione dei correlati...
Le piu recenti acquisizioni della neuropsicologia cognitiva hanno consentito di focalizzare la natura dei processi linguistici e comunicativi, indi...
Anche il marketing, come tanti ambiti professionali, vive oggi l opportunita di aggiornare i paradigmi e le metodologie tradizionali grazie a contributi provenienti da altre discipline, soprattutto da quelle di piu recente sviluppo. Tra queste, si segnalano oggi la psicologia cognitiva e le neuroscienze. Il libro intende offrire al lettore uno spaccato di quanto questi due settori possono offrire alla comprensione delle dinamiche di acquisto, mostrando come la conoscenza dei meccanismi di pensiero e dei processi cerebrali aiuti a identificare cio che accade nella mente del destinatario...
Anche il marketing, come tanti ambiti professionali, vive oggi l opportunita di aggiornare i paradigmi e le metodologie tradizionali grazie a contr...
In this volume, the communicative and neuropsychological correlates of daily interactions are discussed. The predominant account on explaining the construction of meaning by humans is the inter-relational perspective, that postulates an intentional convergence of meaning arising as a consequence of the active exchanges between people. The neural correlates of communication were illustrated in the light of new empirical results, considering the main topics of: a) language and language development; b) pragmatics and neuropragmatics of communication; c) neurocognition and the cognitive bases...
In this volume, the communicative and neuropsychological correlates of daily interactions are discussed. The predominant account on explaining the ...
In this volume, the communicative and neuropsychological correlates of daily interactions are discussed. The predominant account on explaining the construction of meaning by humans is the inter-relational perspective, that postulates an intentional convergence of meaning arising as a consequence of the active exchanges between people. The neural correlates of communication were illustrated in the light of new empirical results, considering the main topics of: a) language and language development; b) pragmatics and neuropragmatics of communication; c) neurocognition and the cognitive bases...
In this volume, the communicative and neuropsychological correlates of daily interactions are discussed. The predominant account on explaining the ...
This book deals with recent perspectives on the panel of addiction behavior in a vast amount of population (young and adult). Thanks to the contribution of experts of the topic of addiction the volume will furnish new perspectives to formulate assessment, diagnosis and intervention in response to the increasing variety of addictions. It focuses the assessment of executive functions in substance and behavioral addictions. More specifically, this assessment consists of a new approach not only inherent to the diagnosis, but also to the treatment and prevention of addictions. In fact, there is a...
This book deals with recent perspectives on the panel of addiction behavior in a vast amount of population (young and adult). Thanks to the contributi...