Dr. Kyu-taik Sung's research on filial piety spans three decades. Many of his past writings have focused on East Asian elders, and this new text carries that theme forward as well. One main objective of this volume is to introduce to the West the caring attitudes and behaviors of East Asian people toward elderly persons. Findings are based on qualitative and quantitative data obtained from a series of empirical studies conducted in the East and West. These studies are grounded in the traditional East Asian values of family care, reciprocity, and humaneness. Despite the fact that filial piety...
Dr. Kyu-taik Sung's research on filial piety spans three decades. Many of his past writings have focused on East Asian elders, and this new text carri...
This book examines fundamental issues of elder respect, how it is practiced and perceived in the broad context of human service settings, and with the resolution of those issues. The writings in this book describe the role of elder respect in health, social work, religious, and cultural and ethnic settings.
This book examines fundamental issues of elder respect, how it is practiced and perceived in the broad context of human service settings, and with the...