Southern Baptists are the nation's largest protestant denomination, with over 43,000 churches and millions of members. Since its inception, controversy has surrounded the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, Southern Baptists' most recent confession of faith. The present volume consists of essays by Baptist scholars explaining and defending that document. Each of the 18 articles of the BF&M 2000 is addressed, with special attention to the most critical issues and changes from the denomination's 1963 confession. Also included is an appendix comprising the full text of all three Baptist Faith and...
Southern Baptists are the nation's largest protestant denomination, with over 43,000 churches and millions of members. Since its inception, controvers...
Dallas Seminary Professors Make Basic Theology Accessible for All
Theology doesn't have to be complicated. In this book, trusted Dallas Seminary professors present a concise systematic theology that distills the essential spiritual truths in a way that makes sense to readers--students, lay people, and pastors. Here are introductions, overviews, and reviews of key tenets of orthodox protestant evangelical doctrines. The book also includes an annotated list of key applicable Bible texts, a quick-paced story of doctrine throughout church history, heresies or distortions to be aware...
Dallas Seminary Professors Make Basic Theology Accessible for All
Theology doesn't have to be complicated. In this book, trusted Dallas ...
Michael J. Svigel Nathan D. Holsteen Douglas Blount
An Easy-to-Understand Study of Christian Doctrine from Trusted Dallas Seminary Professors This engaging and accessible systematic theology clearly explains essential spiritual truths for those new to doctrinal study or in need of a refresher. The authors use quick-paced introductions, overviews, reviews of the key tenets of orthodox evangelical doctrines, and more for an easy grasp of the subjects. The book includes two parts: - How Firm a Foundation: Revelation, Scripture, and Doctrinal Truth - God in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit The writers, Douglas Blount and...
An Easy-to-Understand Study of Christian Doctrine from Trusted Dallas Seminary Professors This engaging and accessible systematic theology clearly...
Dallas Seminary professors Nathan Holsteen and Michael Svigel are passionate about the key doctrines of Christianity. They want readers to know why they're important and why they matter. This volume includes two parts: - From Dust to Dust: Creation, Humanity, and the Fall - Wise Unto Salvation: Gospel, Atonement, and Saving Grace The authors explore these important topics in a concise and highly readable style that makes sense--whether you're a student of the Bible, a pastor, or someone who simply wants to know God...
The Foundations of Theology in Everyday Language
Dallas Seminary professors Nathan Holsteen and Michael Svigel are passionate about the key...