First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence examines Britain s highly acclaimed approach to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), and its international potential.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been regarded as a role model for the implementation of CEA, and is being closely watched by health care policy makers throughout Europe, and in the United States. This volume dissects the robustness of the agency s technology...
First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health a...
First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence examines Britain s highly acclaimed approach to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), and its international potential.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been regarded as a role model for the implementation of CEA, and is being closely watched by health care policy makers throughout Europe, and in the United States. This volume dissects the robustness of the agency s technology...
First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health a...
Die Labormedizin gilt nach Expertenmeinung als ausschlaggebend für rund 70 % aller klinischen Entscheide, wird jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer Kosten und des Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnisses labordiagnostischer Verfahren kritisch betrachtet. Mit diesem Buch veröffentlicht das Institut für Innovation & Evaluation im Gesundheitswesen eine von der schweizerischen Foederatio Analyticorum Medicinalium Helveticorum (FAMH) veranlassten Studie, um den gegenwärtig generierten und zukünftig zu erwartenden Nutzen von Laboranalysen aus der Perspektive von Patienten und Gesellschaft zu untersuchen.Dies ist ein...
Die Labormedizin gilt nach Expertenmeinung als ausschlaggebend für rund 70 % aller klinischen Entscheide, wird jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer Kosten und d...