In World War II, young engineer John Morris is engaged by British Intelligence and trained as a spy. Parachuted into France to work with the Resistance, he operates behind enemy lines to uncoer the truth of the Nazis super-secret rocket programs and allies himself with the German war program. He is trained for every possible event except one - meeting beautiful Helen Pennington also an intelligence agent. This fast-moving story of intrigue, mystery and a desperate romance will keep you on the edge of your seat from the Battle of Britain to the invasion of Normandy.
In World War II, young engineer John Morris is engaged by British Intelligence and trained as a spy. Parachuted into France to work with the Resistanc...
In World War II, young engineer John Morris is engaged by British Intelligence and trained as a spy. Parachuted into France to work with the Resistance, he operates behind enemy lines to uncoer the truth of the Nazis super-secret rocket programs and allies himself with the German war program. He is trained for every possible event except one - meeting beautiful Helen Pennington also an intelligence agent. This fast-moving story of intrigue, mystery and a desperate romance will keep you on the edge of your seat from the Battle of Britain to the invasion of Normandy.
In World War II, young engineer John Morris is engaged by British Intelligence and trained as a spy. Parachuted into France to work with the Resistanc...
Das Leben kann so ungerecht sein. Das empfindet zumindest Tom so. Warum? Tom ist ein Madchen und transsexuell. Als Madchen lebt er in einer kleinen frankischen Stadt. Erduldet dort all die geschlechtlichen Zuordnungen und fuhlt sich eingeengt durch seinen weiblichen Korper. Nur in seinen Traumen ist er ein durchtrainierter, starker Mann, der allen Frauen den Kopf verdreht. Was vollig unerreichbar erscheint, macht er sich zum Ziel. Er mochte nicht nur traumen und deshalb nimmt er den steinigen Weg hin zur Geschlechtsumwandlung von Frau zu Mann auf sich. Er nimmt Hormone, verliebt sich in...
Das Leben kann so ungerecht sein. Das empfindet zumindest Tom so. Warum? Tom ist ein Madchen und transsexuell. Als Madchen lebt er in einer kleinen fr...