A gripping true tale of life in Russia, Turkey, and the United States, "A Nomad's Journey" shares the incredible story of Atilla Bektore and his father, Shevki Bektore.
Born in Dobruja, Rumania, in 1888, Shevki Bektore dreams of being a teacher in his ancestral land of the Crimea. When the horrifying events of World War I alter his plans, he joins countless millions of others whose hopes and dreams are shattered in the maelstrom of war and revolution. Arrested in 1932 on trumped-up charges of treason, Shevki spends over twenty-two years of his life as an inmate in Stalin's Gulags in...
A gripping true tale of life in Russia, Turkey, and the United States, "A Nomad's Journey" shares the incredible story of Atilla Bektore and his fa...