The definitive guide for succeeding in an era of managed care
This state-of-the-art resource--a compilation of works from the nation's leading practitioners--offers mental health practitioners the tools for applying solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) techniques.
Filled with the most current research information, illustrative case examples, and practical suggestions, it uses a framework that integrates the solution-focused model with the problem-focused approach, and offers specific guidance for applying methods across treatment settings. Proven to be effective across...
The definitive guide for succeeding in an era of managed care
This state-of-the-art resource--a compilation of works from the nation's leadi...
The MznLnx Exam Prep series is designed to help you pass your exams. Editors at MznLnx review your textbooks and then prepare these practice exams to help you master the textbook material. Unlike study guides, workbooks, and practice tests provided by the texbook publisher and textbook authors, MznLnx gives you all of the material in each chapter in exam form, not just samples, so you can be sure to nail your exam.
The MznLnx Exam Prep series is designed to help you pass your exams. Editors at MznLnx review your textbooks and then prepare these practice exams to ...
The MznLnx Exam Prep series is designed to help you pass your exams. Editors at MznLnx review your textbooks and then prepare these practice exams to help you master the textbook material. Unlike study guides, workbooks, and practice tests provided by the texbook publisher and textbook authors, MznLnx gives you all of the material in each chapter in exam form, not just samples, so you can be sure to nail your exam.
The MznLnx Exam Prep series is designed to help you pass your exams. Editors at MznLnx review your textbooks and then prepare these practice exams to ...
P. W. Bridgman and the Special Theory oj Relativity Ey W. Bridgman wrote A S,phi,ticati< him" (1962) for the reader "who feels the need to stand back a little for a critical scrutiny of what he has really got" (SP, p. 3). * This was his personal trademark as physicist and philoso- pher and it is present everywhere in Bridgman's precis of special relativity theory. The reissue of Sophisticate's Primer is particularly wel- come for it exhibits a quest for clarity in foundations in the style of Ernst Mach and Henri Poincare, in whose philo- * N.B. Papers and books are here cited as follows....
P. W. Bridgman and the Special Theory oj Relativity Ey W. Bridgman wrote A S,phi,ticati< him" (1962) for the reader "who feels the need to stand back ...