Mysterious things begin to happen when Karan, an eleven-year-old orphan boy, seeks refuge in the Greywals' middle-class home in Delhi, India. While the Greywals' only son, Kogon, and Mr. Greywal oppose giving refuge to the urchin, Mrs. Greywal's heart goes out to him, and her husband finally decides that Karan will be their domestic helper and Kogon's personal servant.
Because of Karan's unusual intellectual abilities, the Greywals are forced to send him and Kogon to a strange school, Rod and Bag Public School, run by the evil genius Huwawa. Little do the boys know that there are...
Mysterious things begin to happen when Karan, an eleven-year-old orphan boy, seeks refuge in the Greywals' middle-class home in Delhi, India. While...