Step by step, everything you need to know to get a successful closing on your shortsale property. Included are forms and techniques to get you more money at closing, help you negotiate better with loss mitigators, and inside information that is normally learned through experience. Best of all, the marketing campaign is little or no cost
Step by step, everything you need to know to get a successful closing on your shortsale property. Included are forms and techniques to get you more mo...
Bad things happen to good people. If you feel like there is no hope, then this book is for you. There is plenty you can do. You have rights as the homeowner regardless of what your lender has led you to believe. This book will show you step by step what you need to know and how to do it. This is a guide for everyone facing possible foreclosure and what can be done to avoid it.
Bad things happen to good people. If you feel like there is no hope, then this book is for you. There is plenty you can do. You have rights as the hom...