Robert Kimball is a bright, energetic young man, eager to break into the world of politics. But when events bring him into the tumultuous Washington political scene, he is sent off to a remote Mediterranean island country to serve out his time quietly as the ambassador of the deserted American Embassy. But just after arriving in the Republic of Marisupa, Kimball is quickly embroiled in the country's own turmoil, as feuding brothers clamor for control over the island and rival religious factions clash with the new ambassador caught in the middle. Now, the bizarre arrest of an old freighter...
Robert Kimball is a bright, energetic young man, eager to break into the world of politics. But when events bring him into the tumultuous Washington p...
In the second installment in the Into The Realms series, Daniel, Eleanor and their friends have spent nearly two years surviving the perils of The Labyrinth, only to face heartbreak and betrayal when they finally reach the oceanic Sixth Realm. Navigating their way through the Ocean of Storms by sea and air, our heroes are met with danger, hardship, and intrigue, only to learn a terrible secret - something is hunting them. In their perilous travels, Daniel and Eleanor are faced with innumerable perils, yet perhaps the most dangerous battles are the ones they must fight within. After endless...
In the second installment in the Into The Realms series, Daniel, Eleanor and their friends have spent nearly two years surviving the perils of The Lab...