Ted Murray, born in 1935 at Newcastle upon Tyne, was rescued from the rubble of his Granny's bomb-damaged house in 1941 and still remembers the text hanging on her wall: "Kept by the power of God." He experienced salvation by faith at the age of 14 years whilst living with relatives in Beverley, East Yorkshire, and found fellowship with a group of Brethren some three years later. Travelling abroad during his working life as an engineer gave Ted the opportunity to minister to God's people in various parts of the world. Located in Brighouse, West Yorkshire, with his wife Rosemary, he continues...
Ted Murray, born in 1935 at Newcastle upon Tyne, was rescued from the rubble of his Granny's bomb-damaged house in 1941 and still remembers the text h...
The story of Nehemiah is one of purpose, pluck, practicality, perspiration, preparation, praise and purification, permeated with prayer. Piloted by the Word of God, he leads the project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, proving the purpose and power of God for His people. As the story unfolds, the author presents practical lessons for Christians today.
The story of Nehemiah is one of purpose, pluck, practicality, perspiration, preparation, praise and purification, permeated with prayer. Piloted by th...