What if Satan were the good guy and God were the bad guy? How would the Bible read then? Certainly the whole context would be changed and an entire new light would be shed on what we have been told was the 'holy bible.' Thus, The Gospel According to Satan is exactly that--the characters are inverted (as if they may not have been originally) and Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy. You'll discover who really evolved the world, what happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden, the Satanic Psalms, all those proverbs you have wondered about, Silaas the old testament prophet of doom, the...
What if Satan were the good guy and God were the bad guy? How would the Bible read then? Certainly the whole context would be changed and an entire ne...
Here's L'Aloge's Old West Magnum Opus. Over 9 years in the researching and writing. Over 12,000 events gathered and chronicled about the Old West on a daily basis. L'Aloge has skillfully drawn material from family journals, newspaper accounts, and a wide variety of primary and secondary sources to bring to the reader a in-depth look at what life was like on a daily basis in the Old West. No other author has ever presented such a work as "THOSE WERE THE DAYS," No other historian has gone out of his way, like L'Aloge, to bring you such events as not only the killing of Billy the Kid but to such...
Here's L'Aloge's Old West Magnum Opus. Over 9 years in the researching and writing. Over 12,000 events gathered and chronicled about the Old West on a...