The editors of Amazing Stories -- who first published this novel in August, September, and October 1928 -- waxed ecstatic over it. -. . . when such a story as The Skylark of Space comes along, - they said -we just feel as if we must shout from the housetops that this is the greatest interplanetarian and space flying story that has appeared this year. Indeed, it probably will rank as one of the great space flying stories for many years to come. . . .- Copy is often about hyperbole, but they were righter than any editor ever can expect to be. This story has all but become a part of the...
The editors of Amazing Stories -- who first published this novel in August, September, and October 1928 -- waxed ecstatic over it. -. . . when such...
Even back before the first bits of this story hit the newsstands, the folks who published it in Amazing Stories (January through April, 1934) knew they were on to something special. -We are sure that our readers will be highly pleased to have us give the first installment of a story by Dr. Smith. It will continue for several numbers and is a worthy follower of the Skylark stories which were so much appreciated by our readers. We think that they will find this story superior to the earlier ones. Dr. Smith certainly has the narrative power, and that, joined with his scientific position,...
Even back before the first bits of this story hit the newsstands, the folks who published it in Amazing Stories (January through April, 1934) knew ...
The editors who first published this amazing scientifictional tale were incredibly excited to get it. "For two years readers of "Amazing Stories" have literally clamored for a sequel to the famous story," they said, ""The Skylark of Space," which appeared exactly two years ago. Except that "Skylark Three" is more thrilling, more exciting and even more chockfull of science than the other."
You're looking at a real treat. Enjoy it
The editors who first published this amazing scientifictional tale were incredibly excited to get it. "For two years readers of "Amazing Stories" have...